Park Boundary Area

temperature icon 74°F
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Wind 9 mph

Terrestrial season is in full swing, with hoppers of every size and color lining the riverbanks. The most productive fishing will be before the heat of the day sets in. We recommend using PMDs, small caddis, hoppers, ants, and beetles. Don’t forget your water and sunscreen!

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River Descriptions: Park Boundary

  • Stretch: Knowles Falls to the Gardner River Confluence.
  • Water: Fast-moving, whitewater sections.
  • Banks: Steep, crumbly, mix of dirt, boulders, bushes, and sagebrush.
  • Accessibility: Challenging for on-foot fishing, requires some scrambling and physical fitness.
  • Decent-sized trout in a variety of species (average 12-16″, some up to 20″).
  • Respond well to dry flies, nymphs, and streamers.
  • Access becomes very difficult about 2.5mi above the Gardner River Confluence.
  • Season long (depending on access and weather).
  • Best just after high water (spring) for dry fly fishing.
  • Fall offers good nymphing opportunities.
  • Public waters but can have some issue of private access along the east shore.
  • Research specific points for ease of access and safety.
  • Suitable for experienced anglers comfortable with challenging terrain and fast-paced fishing.
  • Expect average sized fish, occasional bigger catches.
  • Not recommended for relaxing fishing or beginners.
  • Guided trips can enhance safety and access to prime spots.
  • Prepare for physically demanding terrain and proper footwear/clothing.
  • Be aware of changing water conditions and potential hazards.

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